
State & Federal Regulation for Best Management Practices (BMP's)

Vermont Statute requires that ever two years (January of odd numbered years), every dental office* location must file an online self-certification for Best Management Practices (BMP's) in the safe disposal of amalgam. *Note: endodontics, orthodontics, oral & maxillofacial surgery, and periodontics are excluded from the VT filing. As of 2021, endodontic locations must submit a one-time national form which is completed through the VT EPA office.

  1. ONLY Online Submission after 2015
  2. ONE certification per office location
  3. Print and keep a copy of your 2021 submission for the federal requirement
  4. Practice Ownership Transfer or New Locations - If the practice ownership changes and it remains a dental office in the same location, the EPA ID number remains with the location; but, the new owners will need to complete a form to transfer ownership of the IPA ID number and submit a new Best Management Practice submission. If a facility moves the dental practice to a NEW location, the facility cannot retain the same EPA ID number even if the owners remain the same. A new application would need to be completed for the NEW location regardless of ownership.

Practice ID #’s contact Sarah Hobson at the VT DEC.  (802) 636-7926. For the RCRA Hazardous Waste Handler ID (EPA ID number), the form is submitted to Wendy Edwards at VT Hazardous Waste Management (802) 522-0261.